wake up hard skin a girl // 2020
// Photographs, series of 5
// Digital, Offset print on public billboards
"wake up hard skin a girl" represents the powerlessness of the individual in the answering of their gender question. Searching movements alternately lead to courage and pain, but never to the kind of "male" / "female" definition that is expected from then hegemonically.
// Collaborative work with Christi Knak Tschaikovskaja and the
Performerx Isaac Espinoza Hidrobo, Lars Nichtvontrier
shown in public space as part of
"Offene Plakatwände" // Ebertplatz // Cologne, Germany // 2021
"Public Art - Litfaßsäule als Massenmedium" // Düsseldorf, Germany // 2021
go to Ebertplatz Billboards
go to Düsseldorf
click on image to enlarge

Ebertplatz // Cologne, Germany
click on image to enlarge

// January 2021
After three days of display, the pictures in which Isaac Espinoza Hidrobo performed were attacked and destroyed.
(before any documentation was made)

But the attacker became our unknown contributor in a derivative work:

// February 2021

After just one day, the works were attacked again. But we wouldn't let this stand.
The amazing team from the art spaces around Ebertplatz quickly repaired the work.
We were not touched again.
// Düsseldorf, Germany
click on image to enlarge

Fürstenwall 69 // Düsseldorf, Germany

Shown as part of
"Public Art - Litfaßsäule als Massenmedium"
initiated by Prof. Rozbeh Asmani
Isaac and myself were able to take part in a WDR radio broadcast about the
initiative (from 3:00)
WDR3 Mosaik
January 29th 2021